This stack is a $5 shareware experiment. If you use it, send the money and you will get a clear conscious as well as a disk in the mail with other Pisces Publishing stacks.
Each card contains a checking entry, and there are spaces for comments. To operate, this stack must have the beginning balance card as card 2. It will always be card 2 unless you start making radical changes.
Balances do not recalculate with each entry beacause when the stack gets large, it slows down considerably. After you do a group of entries or changes, go back to this top card and choose the icon with the dollar signs. That will recalculate your balance for you. You can recalculate whenever you want.
When you want to get rid of some old entries, click on the compress stack icon. That will sort the stack by date, and delete the first 20 entries after the beginning balance. It then updates the beginning balance on card 2.
The icon of the hand sorting through the cards will sort the stack by either date or account type. The advantages of being sorted by date is obvious. Sorting by account is handy for using the export button.
The export button exports a tab dillimeted document to a text file. You can then open it in your favorite spreadsheet or database program. You can then play with the data to your hearts content without worrying about harming the original information, which will still be in Hypercard.
The printer icon goes to the appropriate background and selects the Print Report... item in the file menu. Play with the column widths to produce a nice looking checkbook report.
Tip: When you choose the NEW button for a new entry, click on the DATE and it will insert todays date in the date field. You can always edit it, if you wish.
To modify your accounts, change the field at the left. Accounts must have commas between them. Hit the "Continue" button when you're done.
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To modify your accounts, change the field at the left. Accounts must have commas between them to appear properly. Click on this text box to continue.
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by Pisces Publishing
This stack acts just like your checkbook. Each card is an entry, even if there is no check number. This stack has many neat features that I hope you will take full advantage of. Checkbook 1.0 was a shareware experiment, and nobody sent the nominal fee. Which I suppose is because it wasn’t terribly great. With that in mind, I figured “What The Heck!” and made this one freeware. Please distribute it to all your friends.
Helpful Hints:
MAKE SURE the beginning balance card has an early date on it so that when you sort by date, it becomes the first card.
Use the update balance button to recalculate your balances. It is not done automatically (continuously) because when the stack gets large, it wastes a lot of time. You can use the button at ANY time.
Click on the word “Date” to put the current date into the date field.
Click on the word “Memo/Accounts” to get a scrolling field of standard account names.
Change your account number on the beginning balance card only. All other cards look at this one for information. Don't change the name of the beginning balance card, either.
Modify Accounts lets you modify the standard accounts. If you keep the names standard, it makes year-end reporting easier.
New Card works the same as the menu selection. It sends you to the end of the stack, and starts a new card for a new checkbook entry.
You can sort your stack by date, or memo/account. When doing a compact it automatically sorts by date to ensure the beginning balance is the top card, and to ensure it is deleting the 20 oldest cards.
Compact deletes the earliest 20 cards in the stack, and updates the beginning balance accordingly. You can do this whenever you have more than 20 cards in the stack. It is usually a good idea to keep a whole year, or at least a month’s worth of data in your stack.
Export sends a tab-dilimited file to the disk. You can then open it in your favorite spreadsheet program. This is handy at the end of the year to calculate subtotals paid for utilities, and to do anything else you can do with a spreadsheet. It creates a column for cleared items and puts a check mark (‚àö) in it, should the item be cleared.
If you have any problems or questions drop us a line. We also make the quarterly MacVendors stack, and Periodic Table stack. All this stackware is free. Send a disk, or $15 for quarterly software updates.
Pisces Publishing GEnie <B.MENELL>
616 Rancheria, Suite C CompuServe [72307,2100]
Chico, CA 95926
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Beginning Balance
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Pisces Publishing is a small stackware company in Northern California. We also make the MacVendors stack, and the Periodic Table stack. Send us a disk for us to fill and return postage, or $10 for a year of quarterly updates.
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Pisces Publishing is a small stackware company in Northern California. We also make the MacVendors stack, and the Periodic Table stack. Send a disk for us to fill and return postage, or $15 for a year of quarterly updates.